Friday, October 5, 2012

Dear Friends,

I wanted to share my thoughts about fans on facebook or at least my take on it.
There are many ways to get fans I have read a lot on this topic having a fan page it is important to be knowledgeable to some degree.
I have “liked” a number of pages myself mostly things I would be interested in, I tend to like pages that I am not asked for my email I am sure you will agree most of us are already signed up for too many newsletters and specials we seldom have time to read.
For our fan page I prefer the approach of having it available without using different methods to get more fans. We have grown our fan page organically and I have to say we have awesome fans the number does not matter. Many of you would be surprised the number of customers who have become friends.
As you may have noticed I post a lot of quotes I happen to love quotes I even share them on my own personal facebook page that has nothing to do with Custom Sports Cards. I prefer it to be a page where you can stop by and maybe read a quote that is relateable or something you want to share.
From time to time I share some of my favorite cards quite frankly there are so many it’s hard to choose, especially the birth announcements and near and dear to my heart are pets I have always been a animal lover.
I believe there is something I do not articulate enough and that is we are here to help and I believe we can do that without bugging you with “buy now before the offer expires”.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this I am always open to suggestions it has been the nuts and bolts of how our company has grown from wonderful suggestions from our customers.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sorry for being so Picky

Sorry for Being So Picky

I have been working with customers on their wedding favors for many years you could say I am an old hack at it by now.

Over the years I have heard many apologies for being “too picky”

We send proofs of your wedding favor or save the date before we print that goes with any order. When ordering something personalized we are working with a visual on what you picture your card will look like. Even picking out a design does not mean your card will look exactly like that. Most of the time myself, or whoever else is working on cards can get approval on a proof after one or two tries.

When it goes beyond that a customer will apologize for being picky, it has nothing to do with that at all. I am a visual person so I understand what they are going through, they can see it in their head how it should look. It is up to us to capture that it has nothing to do with being picky but for us to see what you see.

We know these are keepsakes not just something for your special day so its important we get it right. Sometimes I cannot get it so I have passed an order to another designer and will get it on the first time, it does not matter to us who gets it just that we do.

I have had customers hand draw with stick figures what they want as funny as that may sound it helps and it works you don’t have to know photoshop to get your idea across.

So relax my young friends you are not picky it just part of the process.

It is a privilege to us to make wedding favors for your special day.

Warm regards
