Personalized Pets trading cards are going to the dogs! What a great way to honor your dog and promote canine sports. Pass them onto family, friends, neighbors, even people you meet when walking your dog. Hand them out to spectators at canine sporting events. Presenting potential event sponsors with your pet's trading card may make the difference in getting funding. Personalized pets trading cards will start a conversation.
Our trading cards come in the standard sports card size of 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches and can be completely customized. Share your dog's athletic statistics. Choose a stats box for agility jump scores and rank in trails. List his top flyball heat scores. Highlight her favorite disc freestyle moves. Tout your dock dog's iron dog ranking. Show awards and achievements.
Create a more personal trading card by adding your dog's weight, breed, date of birth, sire, and dam. Let people know your dog is a mutt, a rescue, or adopted with amazing athletic abilities. You can also add a hometown, human partner, and a website if you want to be contacted.
Tell the world how special your dog is in a brief paragraph or sentence. What is your dog's favorite toy, treat, person, game, activity, place to go, or best canine friend? How long has your dog been participating in her sport? Add a fun fact about the sport. Every trading card needs a photo. You can have one or more great shots of your dog on the front or back of the card.
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