Friday, April 1, 2011

The Cards That Have Touched Us

The cards that have touched all of us have been from Make a Wish, Cystic Fibrosis, parents whose children have rare diseases desperate to raise awareness to find a cure and so many more.

Sometime we get so caught up in our own day-to-day life we forget others are hurting.

I have never forgotten their names faces or their stories. Sometimes I wonder what happened to them.

There was a mom who emailed about her 3 year old daughter who had tumors all over her body, I could feel the desperation in a mothers letter. It was at the end of the day and I was shutting down, I stayed to answer her, I asked her to email me pictures, information, favorite colors whatever she wanted. I stayed that night until it was done it was the prettiest card I had ever designed.

It was being used at a walk on thon, she was reluctant to tell me how many she needed, it was not unreasonable at all I know for some its hard to ask for help and sometimes we find our self in a position we have to, a lot of us know what that is like.

Then there is the first card we did I can still remember his sunny smile his green shirt and his little blue bucket hat. He died at 18 months old of cancer and the parents were celebrating his short life here on earth. I asked instead of payment to consider a donation to Make a Wish or Children’s Hospital in their sons name. They made a donation to Make A Wish, which happens to be my favorite charity.

This last one was one of the kids form cystic fibrosis who were using the cards at a fundraiser to share what the disease is and what each child goes through on any given day. One of the children was graduating high school who needed a lung transplant. She had beautiful big brown eyes soft light brown hair and delicate features her picture just drew me in. I thought of other kids her age preparing for college or at least the next chapter of their lives. This young lady was really preparing for her final days on earth.

We are not a big company by any stretch, none of the stories I have shared were looking for free cards at the very least a discount.We saw it as a way to help, sometimes its not about our bank account, filling your heart at times can be more fulfilling. I believe the world gives back so nothing I have ever done through our company or on a personal level has always come back some how someway, I am always mindful of that.

You will not find these cards on our site, I feel families should have some respect and dignity they do no t need to see their loved ones card plastered on our site.

When you celebrate we celebrate when you hurt we hurt too, that sums up who we are, no different than many of you.

Warm regards,


Thursday, March 24, 2011

What we Won't do

Our Company, what we WON”T DO,

As any of you know who start a business you get excited over every call and the potential to grow you customer base. In the early days it was like that at Goldie and Company (Goldie was my dogs name)

Some of the calls caught me off guard, my vision for the cards were not only sports but of children who were great at music or science etc.

I thought all kids should have cards to show off their accomplishments.

A number of times I received calls to create cards for the porn industry. One caller took it as far as to tell me how much money I could make and I was stupid for turning it down.

On a personal note I will never create cards that would exploit another human being I would go back to working in a factory or janitorial before that would happen.

I do not judge what others do for a living, but in this case you are talking about someone’s child, daughter, friend, family member whatever you want to call it.

Like any business we have struggled but never will we do anything under the table or behind anyone’s back just to make money.

We are proud of the company we created and want you to feel the same way when you do business with Custom Sports Cards.

We love the family celebrations we have become a part of and appreciate each and every one of you.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What I Miss

Do you know what I miss doing? In the early days of Goldie and Company/Custom Sports Cards I use to handwrite every customer a hand written note, more than just to thank them for their order but to acknowledge the special messages I would read on birth announcements knowing someday that baby will grow up and read how their parents felt about them and how valuable and meaningful that would be. The weddings where couples remember they met, their first kiss, the simple thing is in life that should matter the most.

I’ve never thought of our product as just another trading card or something mass-produced and your card is like everyone else’s.

Each one is special, a keepsake that you kids or grandkids will someday love to read.

When all is said and done those cherished moments are what keep us together and what should matter the most.

Thank you for allowing us to be a small part of your special moments.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Made in the USA

Where are our cards made? Right here in the USA they always have been they always will be. I am aware how work can be done cheaper abroad I worked in factories for years and saw work go over seas and jobs were eliminated here. I am also aware of the world’s problems I feel for others but I know I cannot solve them. I believe the best contribution our company can make is to continue to grow and hire here and give people a chance to make a living and pursue their own hopes and dreams.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A little History on Custom Sports cards

Custom Sports Cards started out as Goldie & Company. I had attended a home business show and within 6 months found out it was a scam, some of you may remember Summit Photographix. Goldie is the name of my dog I decided on that name because I am pretty sure a dog would never do something like that. My business partner & I literally have built Custom Sports Cards by the seat of our pants. We learned everything from scratch we had have no background in graphic design or printing. I loved the idea of all children having a trading card whether it was sports, music, science, etc. I hated the thought of people like myself who were only looking to supplement my income being ripped off. So with an inkjet printer and laminator from Costco Goldie and Company was started.

We now find ourselves in a privileged position to not only create sports cards but have become part of so many family celebrations, birth announcements, weddings, birthday parties, Bar Mitzvahs….

We know the trading cards are really keepsakes and proud you have chosen us to be a small part of your family memories.

Best regards


Custom Sports Cards (Owner)